Why to choose Lykentech




Minimize energy consumption and maximize efficiency in every aspect of their operation

Eco energy

Reduce energy bills, saving both the building owner and the occupants' money.

Mobile manager

Provide a comfortable and healthy environment. It can reduce stress levels, increase productivity, and enhance overall wellbeing.

Support team

Provide healthier and more comfortable living and working environment for the occupants.


Require less maintenance and have lower operating costs, making them more attractive to potential buyers and tenants.

Hyper-efficient Buildings

Hyper-efficient Buildings

There are several benefits of hyper-efficient buildings, including economic, social, and environmental advantages. Lykentech Building Automaiton offers solutions that add-on the following benefits:

  • Reduced Energy Costs

One of the most significant benefits of hyper-efficient buildings is that they can dramatically reduce energy costs. These buildings are designed to use less energy than traditional buildings, often incorporating features like energy-efficient lighting, and advanced HVAC systems. As a result, hyper-efficient buildings can significantly reduce energy bills, saving both the building owner and the occupants money.

  • Improved Indoor Air Quality

The buildings also have better indoor air quality than traditional buildings. These buildings are designed to be airtight, which reduces the infiltration of outdoor pollutants, dust, and allergens. Additionally, they incorporate high-efficiency air filtration systems that remove harmful particles from the air. This results in a healthier and more comfortable living and working environment for the occupants.


  • Reduced Carbon Footprint

Hyper-efficient buildings are designed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. By reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing waste, hyper-efficient buildings can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.

  • Improved Health and Wellbeing

These buildings are designed to provide a comfortable and healthy environment, with features such as natural light, temperature control, and acoustic design. This can reduce stress levels, increase productivity, and enhance overall wellbeing.



Build it for zero carbon

Building automation solutions are becoming increasingly important in the construction industry as they help improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Achieving net zero carbon is a significant accomplishment, as it means that the building's carbon emissions have been balanced out by measures such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, and carbon offsetting.

Lykentech's building automation solution likely uses a range of technologies and strategies to achieve net zero carbon.

HVAC optimization: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are a major contributor to building energy use. Lykentech's solution may use smart sensors and controls to optimize HVAC systems, reducing energy consumption.

If the building emits some carbon emissions, Lykentech's solution include carbon offsetting measures.

Lykentech's Building Automation Solution that achieves net zero carbon is a promising development in the construction industry, as it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of buildings.

Sustainable Green Building

Building automation solutions are an important tool for achieving sustainable and green buildings. By using smart technologies and strategies, building automation can help reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, and lower carbon emissions.

Lykentech's Building Automation Solution for Sustainable Green Buildings is designed to achieve these goals through a range of measures.

Lykentech's solution uses smart sensors and controls to monitor and manage energy consumption.


That's great to hear! Building automation solutions are becoming increasingly important in the construction industry as they help improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Sustainable green buildings are designed to minimize their impact on the environment by incorporating strategies to reduce energy consumption, water usage, and waste generation.

Lykentech's building automation solution likely uses a range of technologies and strategies to create sustainable green buildings, such as:


Lykentech's Building Automation Solution for Sustainable Green Buildings is a promising development,  it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of buildings. By incorporating energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices, these buildings can not only help protect the environment, but also provide healthier and more comfortable living and working spaces for people.


Efficiency and Control at Your Fingertips